ixCube Fea
What is Falko ? +

Falko is a software for Finite Element Analysis built in rhinoceros.

Many features are implemented from Linear, Non-Linear, Buckling and Modal Analysis 

Get Your Free License Today!


Where do I get my license ? +

Download and install the software.

From the Info window, click on download license from server. that's it. 

What is ixCube 4-10 and why it is different from Falko ? +

ixCube 4-10 is our flagship product for Tensile Structure Design, Analysis 

and Production. It is NOT a free software and has many features unavailable in Falko.


Do I really get a license at no charge ? +

Falko is the result of many years of development and large investment.

The Personal edition can solve a large number of engineering problems and we Hope 

You like it and get a paid version or purchase a plugin module  time to time to compensate our effort.

I get a Error Message in Grasshopper after installing the software +

Falko and ixCube 4-10 share the same extensions so 

only one at a time can be used as a server from grasshopper.  To avoid the conflicts

You can edit the files in the grasshopper library folder 

  • ixCubeFeaLink.ghlink
  • ixCubeLink.ghlink

and remove one of the paths 


On How many PC'S can I use it ? +

Any number of computers can be used. There is no limit.

Where do I report Bugs and Wishes ? +

You can send a email to  for bug reporting 

and new feature request

Can I extend the system with a new plugin ? +

Anybody is welcome to make new extensions and plugins 

We will give all our support for this purpose and publish the extension in our shop 

once it has been released to the public.

Where can I get the Plugins ? +

Plugins are installed automatically.

Once You purchase a license Your extension gets  enabled automatically as soon You login.

Can I have support ? +

Support is available for ixCube Fea Professional 

trough email at  and  skype calls

What do I need to start working ? +

Rhinoceros  from McNeel & Associates is required to run Falko, since it is a plugin.

Falko works with Rhino, even if it can be used as a standalone application.

How can I learn the system ? +

You can start looking at the tutorials to understand the basics 

We highly suggest to use grasshopper so a basic knowledge of Rhino & Grasshopper will help  

The ixCube tool in Grasshopper does not work. What to do ? +

Falko works as a server program and communicates with Grasshopper trough RPC calls (Remote-Procedure-Calls).


  1.  Execute the command : Connect to Server before working with Falko.
  2. Be sure the server has been registered as a Ole server , when installed. 


Latest News

ixCube 4-10 Rel 5.3.8 released

ixCube CFD Rel 1.3 released

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